Blue oyster gay bar song

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A drag queen extraordinaire performed back-to-back covers of feel good pop songs, her sky high wig gracing the clouds with its sugar-pink synthetic prowess. More mature lesbians held court in the center of the bar, flicking their ciggies, gossiping with old friends they hadn’t seen since labor day weekend 2016. The place was teeming with all kinds of queers baby lesbians with their cute, little, half-shaved haircuts confidently clutched sweaty hands and exchanged intoxicated kisses with their equally green girlfriends. We were sucking back mudslides whilst indulging in the palpable gay-energy at our favorite bar, an outdoor haunt, that overlooks a healthy mass of sparkly seaside.

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If you say you’re okay I’m gonna heal you anyway 🖤💋Ī post shared by Zara Barrie on at 5:08pm PDT

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